About Us

The American Medical Manufacturers Association (AMMA) represents domestic personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturers. AMMA recognizes the critical need for reliable access to American-made PPE. AMMA will work to protect domestic manufacturers and the health and security of Americans.

Our Mission

The American Medical Manufacturers Association (AMMA) is an alliance of domestic personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturers and partners. AMMA’s mission is to ensure that the U.S. has consistent access to quality, U.S.-made Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Its goal is to create a market environment that promotes, incentivizes, and helps sustain the domestic ownership and operation of PPE production.

Our Vision

Our vision is a competitive, 21st century domestic supply chain for PPE that reduces shortages, bolsters our preparedness for future pandemics, safeguards our nation’s public health/safety/security, and creates American jobs.

Supply Assurance & Resiliency

The pandemic shined a bright light on significant flaws in just-in-time global nitrile glove sourcing as the U.S. encountered delayed shipments, clogged ports, a shortage of containers, counterfeit and used PPE products sold as new, and illegal and unethical forced labor. We are committed to providing a consistent supply of quality PPE from trusted domestic manufacturers.

Public Health, Safety, and Security

The COVID-19 Pandemic illustrated that we must never again allow the U.S. to be held hostage by foreign PPE manufacturers.

We are committed to protecting citizens, essential workers, businesses, healthcare workers, and the government including our armed forces.

Economic Impact

We are also committed to bring back jobs to the U.S., further aiding the domestic economy. All investment, jobs, and equipment will stay in the U.S. We will accomplish this through vertical integration to better control the domestic supply chain of all PPE. We will also seek to utilize domestic suppliers and raw materials wherever possible. We are committed to creating a completely integrated domestic PPE ecosystem so that the economic funds flow stays in the U.S. and all the economic benefit is captured in the U.S.. “Made in the U.S. for the U.S.”, which also complements point #1 above.

What We Do

In order to support the National Strategy for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain as published by the U.S. Federal Government, July 2021, and achieve our vision, it is critical that the federal government adopt a comprehensive strategy of complementary federal programs and policies that allow domestic PPE manufacturers to more fairly compete with foreign manufacturers.

Specifically, we will work closely with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, the State Department, Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense (DOD), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) as well as the White House and domestic manufacturing champions on Capitol Hill to promote and pursue the following strategic objectives:
(1) Federal Grant Programs,
(2) Volume Guarantees & Price Commitments,
(3) Tax Incentives & Subsidies,
(4) Trade Enforcement, and
(5) Public Relations.

Why Buy Domestic?

As China seeks to dominate PPE manufacturing, it has undercut the success of American companies by dumping cheap PPE products into the U.S. markets, and suffocating the PPE manufacturing industry. The pandemic laid bare the fragility of the public health supply chain.

Decades of globalization and lean, just-in-time supply chains led to a supply chain that could not meet demand, exposing U.S. reliance on foreign manufacturing and lack of domestic manufacturing capabilities.

For many critical medical supplies, suppliers compete based on low costs and economies of scale—resulting in overseas production and foreign dependence for both raw materials/inputs and finished goods and lack of diversification due to consolidation — over 90% of medical gloves, their inputs and other core PPE items were made in Asia by a small number of manufacturers.

These supply chains also have ethical hazards, with some having faced reports of forced labor and other exploitative labor practices. When the next major disruption hits, if the U.S. domestic supply is not ready, American buyers will be at the mercy of China.

Our Leadership

Tom Allen

Tom Allen

Altor Safety

Eric Axel

Eric Axel

Executive Director

Tiffany Carpenter

Tiffany Carpenter

TAIJI Medical

Jason Gyimesi

Jason Gyimesi

Aquaspersions USA

Dan Izhaky, President

Dan Izhaky, President

United Safety Technology

Eddie Phanichkul

Eddie Phanichkul

Lutema USA

Alan Rust

Alan Rust

SafeSource Direct

Régine Villain

Régine Villain

Ochsner Health

Xiaozhen Wang

Xiaozhen Wang

Atlantic Trading Company

Molly Zmuda

Molly Zmuda


Founding Members 

Altor Safety
Blue Star NBR
Lutema USA
Ochsner Health
SafeSource Direct
United Safety Technology

Our Impact

An effective response requires a resilient public health supply chain, anchored in domestic manufacturing capabilities, for both raw materials and/or inputs and finished goods, so that care and preventive measures can reach patients. Sustaining the resilience of this supply chain is critical for national security.

AMMA protects the health and security of Americans by ensuring a supply chain that is consistent with our values and resilient against disruptions from pandemics and other biological threats. The U.S.’s public health supply chain should be ethical, equitable, and environmentally sustainable.

These values entail promoting strong environmental and labor standards and having processes in place to identify and mitigate sourcing risks such as child labor, forced labor, human trafficking; environmental damage; and corruption/fraud. These values also include a supply chain that is innovative and creates jobs and prosperity for Americans.

Join AMMA today and become a member company that is changing strategic manufacturing in America.